Hello all,
The thought of writing something about myself, just for the sheer pleasure of writing and knowing more about me has made me a little more than curious, and here I am with my first blog.
It is just the beginning and so I cannot really tell if I can maintain myself at writing this stuff for a fairly long time or whether it will wind in a jiffy.
Now, Let me get into some business.Well.....talking about myself and writing the 'about me' 's was never so easy.It was always the plagiarised form of a well managed version.(And I still hate to admit that).
No matter how many times I press the 'backspace' and put my grey cells to work, I just cant write about myself nor do I understand myself.One thing though, Ive got myself to believe the evil reality, I act baroque, complicated, and complex. Deep down, I know that I dont understand any philosophy, let alone practising it, but my mind does not stop flirting with Ayn Ryand's FountainHead or Osho's world of Lord Krishna.
And since Im done with what I am, as of now, let me go through briefly with my life...
As a child, and also being the only child, I grew up in the most caring hands of my parents.U can imagine the care my mother took about me when I say that in a town some 15 years back, I was sent to dance, music, karate and vocal classes(pardon me if I dont remember a few of them.....there were a hell of a lot).And all this does not in any sense mean that I was unduly pampered. On the contarary, I was one of the most strictly raised kids in my family.
All of these and a good academic record made me the cyncosure of all eyes.
But suddenly a shift to the capital city and the competition I faced left me in a faze.I slowly slid back, all my so-called talents began to wear off.Many unsuccesful attempts to get a restart went into the bin.I was getting frustrated and disappointed with life
It was at this point in life when I got into DA-IICT and a whole new different world began unfolding.
I loved the new things I saw, the books I read and the people I met, or so I thought.One new thing upon the other slowly began to have its effect on me.I became artificial for the sake of society and indifferent for the sake of myself.
And now, realising this, I am trying to shed the extra baggage I acquired all these years and retain the essence of what I have been through.
I secretly admire down-to-earth simplicity but as of now,just dont have the guts to follow it.
And readers ( if any), this is not meant to be a serious blog...It just varies according to my mood. :)
to all the people who took the pain and pleasure to go through one of my first writing attempts.
I'm really flattered at the comments Ive recieved.I take great consolationin the fact thatmany of U find yourselves in similar situations.
Id luv to share my other feelings with U all...
Soo many comments from a single person[:o]
Even if I believe that to be true, I wud still be flattered to the heights coz a single person writing so many comments and visiting a single blog...[;)]
umm ...that was a good start to ur blog..
i me myself ...thats the highest form of ego!
but i find nothing so alarming to make a mention..
as i thot earlier and also continue to ...u have always been a girl's BOY!! well thats appreciation and critisism on the hand for you!!! hahaa
i can quite guess why u were the way u are in DA-IICT..and after looking thru ur blog ..i can only strengthen that belief..
but then that happens with every body at some point....and so comes realization with it..life's a journey..where the journey is more encapsulating than the destination!!
also we live not just to live..but to experience life..
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